Adventures of a veg*n.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Two Dinners

Last night's dinner! Rotini and peas with alfredo sauce. I love peas. Here's where the recipe came from, but I didn't use as much milk because I wanted a thicker sauce. I liked it, and I'm pretty sure Chris, Michelle, and Pat did too.

Tonight's dinner.. I gave shepherd's pie a shot. The bottom was TVP, tomatoes, carrots, bell pepper, spinach, mushrooms, and onions. There was too much potato and not enough veggies, but it tasted good at least. Chris didn't say anything either way. That probably means it was just OK.


bazu said...

Hey, as far as I'm concerned, too many potatoes is not a bad thing!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

That Rotini & Peas dish looks quite comforting!! Good call on NOT using the full 2 cups of soymilk that the recipe called for - that's waaaay too much!! You would have ended up with Rotini & Peas Soup ;0)

The Shepherd's Pie looks perfect, to me! Its the taste that counts, so I'm glad to hear that it DID taste good as well :0)

Anonymous said...

i love Shepherd's Pie!! this looks to me awesome :)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

I'd be happy to email you my recipe for the apple-cinnamon loaf; and my recipe for rice-pudding is quite simple to make - you should give rice-pudding another chance! :0)

Anonymous said...

i'm a big fan of peas too. I always have a bag in the freezer and I throw them into everything. So much so that my boyfriend gets sick of them....

Deva said...

oh that alfredo is soooo good looking!! I love peas but nobody i live with does. :(

Dori said...

The shepherds pie looks exactly what I just decided I am goung to make for a Christmas meal. Oh no about the pixxa dough above! Glad you made it through another semester, great jopb girl!